Jacinta Barrins, Peter C. McKeown, Una Murray, Charles Spillane. 2025. What constitutes “institutional arrangements” for Member State reporting within the UNFCCC and Paris Agreement? Research Article. PLOS Climate.


Dmitry Brychkov, Peter C. McKeown, Christine Domegan, Charles Spillane, Galina Brychkova. 2024. “Connect the circle” systems thinking tool for postgraduate sustainability education: Case Study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Tamirat B Jimma, Wuletawu Abera, Teferi Demissie, Charles Spillane, Kassahun Ture, Dawit Solomon, Abel Chemura. 2024. Quantifying residual soil moisture through empirical orthogonal functions analysis to support legume-based cropping systems. Earth Systems and Environment.

Michael Geever, Dúalta O’Fionnagáin, Jemima O’Farrell, Pearse Murphy, Aaron Golden, Patricia Codyre, Charles Spillane. 2024. Assessing Climate Adaptation and Intervention Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa using Deep Learning on Earth Observation Data. AGU24.

Luis Felipe Quiroz, Moman Khan, Nikita Gondalia, Linyi Lai, Peter C McKeown, Galina Brychkova, Charles Spillane. Tissue culture-independent approaches to revolutionizing plant transformation and gene editing. 2024. Horticulture Research, Oxford University Press.

Nguyen Van Loc; Hue Nhan Luu; Thi Hong Nhung Phan; Duc Ha Chu; Viet Long Nguyen; Daniel Bertero; Néstor Curti; Peter C McKeown; Charles Spillane. 2024. Genotype by environment interaction across water regimes in relation to cropping season response of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa). PLOS One (accepted). IF = 2.9

Tomy Ncube, Lalhmangaihzuali Zualii, Una Murray, Nam Nguyen, Theresa Liebig, Alexandra Krendelsberger, Grazia Pacillo, Peter C. McKeown, Peter Läderach, Charles Spillane. 2024. Understanding the climate, migration, social protection nexus from a youth mobility dimension: can social protection address the drivers of climigration? Climate and Development 1-22. IF = 4.2

Noel Ndlovu, Manje Gowda, Yoseph Beyene, Biswanath Das, Suresh L Mahabaleswara, Dan Makumbi, Veronica Ogugo, Juan Burgueno, Jose Crossa, Charles Spillane, Peter C McKeown, Galina Brychkova, Boddupalli M Prasanna. 2024. A combination of joint linkage and genome-wide association study reveals putative candidate genes associated with resistance to northern corn leaf blight in tropical maize. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Ó Fionnagáin, D., Geever, M., O’Farrell, J., Codyre, P., Trearty, R., Tessema, Y., Reymondin, L., Loboguerrero, A.M., Spillane, C. and Golden, A., 2024. Assessing climate resilience in rice production: measuring the impact of the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s IWRM scheme in the Senegal River Valley using remote sensing and machine learning. Environmental Research Letters. 19: 074075 IF=5.8

Ndlovu, N., Gowda, M., Beyene, Y., Chaikam, V., Nzuve, F.M., Makumbi, D., McKeown, P.C., Spillane, C. and Prasanna, B.M., 2024. Genomic loci associated with grain yield under well-watered and water-stressed conditions in multiple bi-parental maize populations. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, p.1391989. IF = 3.7

Breen, C., Ndlovu, N., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2024. Legume seed system performance in sub-Saharan Africa: barriers, opportunities, and scaling options. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 44(2), pp.1-19. IF = 7.3

Dwivedi, S.L., Quiroz, L.F., Spillane, C., Wu, R., Mattoo, A.K. and Ortiz, R., 2024. Unlocking allelic variation in circadian clock genes to develop environmentally robust and productive crops. Planta, 259(4), p.72. IF = 4.3

Quiroz, L.F., Gondalia, N., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2024. Haploid rhapsody: the molecular and cellular orchestra of in vivo haploid induction in plants. New Phytologist, 241(5), pp.1936-1949.  IF = 9.4

Ndlovu, N., Kachapur, R.M., Beyene, Y., Das, B., Ogugo, V., Makumbi, D., Spillane, C., McKeown, P.C., Prasanna, B.M. and Gowda, M., 2024. Linkage mapping and genomic prediction of grain quality traits in tropical maize (Zea mays L.). Frontiers in Genetics, 15, p.1353289. IF = 3.7

Brychkova, G., McGrath, A., Larkin, T., Goff, J., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2024. Use of anaerobic digestate to substitute inorganic fertilisers for more sustainable nitrogen cycling. Journal of Cleaner Production, p.141016. IF = 11

Jimma, T.B., Chemura, A., Spillane, C., Demissie, T., Abera, W., Ture, K., Terefe, T., Solomon, D. and Gleixner, S., 2024. Coupled Impacts of Soil Acidification and Climate Change on Future Crop Suitability in Ethiopia. Sustainability, 16(4), p.1468. IF = 3.9

Quiroz, L.F., Ciosek, T., Grogan, H., McKeown, P.C., Spillane, C. and Brychkova, G., 2024. Unravelling the Transcriptional Response of Agaricus bisporus under Lecanicillium fungicola Infection. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(2), p.1283. IF = 5.6


Liddy, H., Mowlds, S., McKeown, P.C., Lundy, M. and Spillane, C., 2023. Food mapping approaches for understanding food system transformations in rapid-growth city regions in the Global South. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7. IF = 4.7

Dupouy, G., Cashell, R., Brychkova, G., Tuteja, R., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2023. PICKLE RELATED 2 is a Neofunctionalized Gene Duplicate Under Positive Selection With Antagonistic Effects to the Ancestral PICKLE Gene on the Seed Transcriptome. Genome Biology and Evolution, 15(11), p.evad191. IF = 3.5

Kimutai, C., Ndlovu, N., Chaikam, V., Ertiro, B.T., Das, B., Beyene, Y., Kiplagat, O., Spillane, C., Prasanna, B.M. and Gowda, M., 2023. Discovery of genomic regions associated with grain yield and agronomic traits in Bi-parental populations of maize (Zea mays. L) Under optimum and low nitrogen conditions. Frontiers in Genetics, 14, p.1266402.

Dwivedi, S.L., Quiroz, L.F., Reddy, A.S., Spillane, C. and Ortiz, R., 2023. Alternative Splicing Variation: Accessing and Exploiting in Crop Improvement Programs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(20), p.15205. IF = 3.7

Koo, J., Reymondin, L., Ó Fionnagáin, D., O’Farrell, J., Geever, M., Codyre, P., Golden, A. and Spillane, C., 2023. What do we know about effectiveness of adaptation in reducing climate risks? A review of methodologies and evidence on adaptations in the agri-food systems.

Karan, R., Mowlds, S., McKeown, P.C., Lundy, M. and Spillane, C., 2023. Data for decision-making for sustainable food systems transformation in the Eastern Cape of South Africa: what is needed? Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7. IF=4.7

Brychkova, G., de Oliveira, C.L., Gomes, L.A.A., de Souza Gomes, M., Fort, A., Esteves-Ferreira, A.A., Sulpice, R., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2023. Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis and Degradation in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) from Seedlings to Harvest. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(12), p.10310. IF=6.2

Huber, J., Madurga-Lopez, I., Murray, U., McKeown, P.C., Pacillo, G., Laderach, P. and Spillane, C., 2023. Climate-related migration and the climate-security-migration nexus in the Central American Dry Corridor. Climatic Change, 176(6), pp.1-22. IF=5.2

Coscieme, L., Ochieng, C.A., Spillane, C. and Donohue, I., 2023. Measuring policy coherence on global access to clean energy between European countries. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 28(5), p.23. IF=3.7

Rehberger, E., West, P.C., Spillane, C. and McKeown, P.C., 2023. What climate and environmental benefits of regenerative agriculture practices? an evidence review. Environmental Research Communications 5 052001 IF-3.2

Lopez, F.B., McKeown, P.C., Fort, A., Brychkova, G. and Spillane, C., 2023. The boys are back in town: Rethinking the function of ribosomal DNA repeats in the genomic era. Molecular Plant, 16(3), pp.514-516. IF=21.9

McLoughlin, S., Spillane, C., Campion, F.P., Claffey, N., Sosa, C.C., McNicholas, Y., Smith, P.E., Diskin, M.G. and Waters, S.M., 2023. Breed and ruminal fraction effects on bacterial and archaeal community composition in sheep. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.3336. IF=5

Dwivedi, S.L., Heslop-Harrison, P., Spillane, C., McKeown, P.C., Edwards, D., Goldman, I. and Ortiz, R., 2023. Evolutionary dynamics and adaptive benefits of deleterious mutations in crop gene pools. Trends in Plant Science 28:685-697. IF=18.3

Zumajo-Cardona, C., Aguirre, M., Castillo-Bravo, R., Mizzotti, C., Di Marzo, M., Banfi, C., Mendes, M.A., Spillane, C., Colombo, L. and Ezquer, I., 2023. Maternal control of triploid seed development by the TRANSPARENT TESTA 8 (TT8) transcription factor in Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.1316. IF=5

Silchenko D, A Chisholm, U Murray, CSC PC McKeown, L Veerassamy (2023) Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in Ireland, IOM Country Profile, International Organization for Migration (IOM).


Castillo-Bravo, R., Lucca, N., Lai, L., Marlborough, K., Brychkova, G., Sakhteh, M.S., Lonergan, C., O’Grady, J., Alikhan, N.F., Trotter, A.J. and Page, A.J., Smyth, B., McKeown, P.C., Feenstra, J.D.M., Ulekleiv, C., Sorel, O., Gandhi, M., Spillane, C. 2022. Clinical Performance of Direct RT-PCR Testing of Raw Saliva for Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Individuals. Microbiology Spectrum, 10(6), pp.e02229-22.

Ndlovu, N., Spillane, C., McKeown, P.C., Cairns, J.E., Das, B. and Gowda, M., 2022. Genome-wide association studies of grain yield and quality traits under optimum and low-nitrogen stress in tropical maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 135(12), pp.4351-4370.

Ferguson, A., Murray, C., Mesfin Tessema, Y., McKeown, P.C., Reymondin, L., Loboguerrero, A.M., Talsma, T., Allen, B., Jarvis, A., Golden, A. and Spillane, C., 2022. Can remote sensing enable a Biomass Climate Adaptation Index for agricultural systems? Frontiers in Climate, 4, p.938975.

Brychkova, G., Kekae, K., McKeown, P.C., Hanson, J., Jones, C.S., Thornton, P. and Spillane, C., 2022. Climate change and land-use change impacts on future availability of forage grass species for Ethiopian dairy systems. Scientific Reports, 12(1), p.20512.

Casey, L., Freeman, B., Francis, K., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P., Spillane, C., Bezrukov, A., Zaworotko, M. and Styles, D., 2022. Comparative environmental footprints of lettuce supplied by hydroponic controlled-environment agriculture and field-based supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production, 369, p.133214.

Dupouy, G., McDermott, E., Cashell, R., Scian, A., McHale, M., Ryder, P., de Groot, J., Lucca, N., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2022. Plastid ribosome protein L5 is essential for post-globular embryo development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Reproduction, 35(3), pp.189-204.

Castillo-Bravo, R., Fort, A., Cashell, R., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2022. Parent-of-origin effects on seed size modify heterosis responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in plant science, 13, p.835219.                 

Hallahan, B.F., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P. and Spillane, C., 2022. Accession-specific Parent-of-origin Dependent and Independent Genome Dosage Effects on Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis Thaliana. (Pre-print).


Hanley, A., Brychkova, G., Barbon, W.J., Noe, S.M., Myae, C., Thant, P.S., McKeown, P.C., Gonsalves, J. and Spillane, C., 2021. Community-level impacts of climate-smart agriculture interventions on food security and dietary diversity in climate-smart villages in Myanmar. Climate, 9(11), p.166. IF=0.7

Bien, V.T., Cunningham, N., Trung, N.D., McKeown, P., Spillane, C. and Le Vinh, B., 2021. Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Prioritizing Adaptation Measures Using Climate-Smart Agriculture Rapid Appraisal (CSA-RA): A Case Study in Thuong Bang La Commune, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 4(3), pp.1151-1167.

Bui, L.V., Vu, T.B., Talsma, T., Spillane, C., Do, T.T.H., Nguyen, T.C., Trieu, H.L., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P. and Nguyen, T.H., 2021. Scaling the Climate-Smart Village model in national-level programs: The recommendations for adoption in the implementation of the Nông Thôn Mới (Vietnam’s National Target Program on New Rural Development) 2021-2030 Strategy.

Azmach, G., Gedil, M., Spillane, C. and Menkir, A., 2021. Combining Ability and Heterosis for Endosperm Carotenoids and Agronomic Traits in Tropical Maize Lines. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, p.674089. IF=6.6

Duffy, C., Toth, G.G., Hagan, R.P., McKeown, P.C., Rahman, S.A., Widyaningsih, Y., Sunderland, T.C. and Spillane, C., 2021. Agroforestry contributions to smallholder farmer food security in Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems, 95(6), pp.1109-1124. IF=2.4

Delêtre, M., Lett, J.M., Sulpice, R. and Spillane, C., 2021. Kinship networks of seed exchange shape spatial patterns of plant virus diversity. Nature Communications, 12(1), p.4505. IF=17.7

McLoughlin, S., Spillane, C., Campion, F., Claffey, N., Smith, P., Diskin, M. and Waters, S., 2021. 80. Effect of breed and ruminal fraction on rumen bacterial and archaeal populations in sheep. Animal-science proceedings, 12(1), p.59.

Ochieng, C.A., Murray, U., Owuor, J. and Spillane, C., 2021. The forgotten half: Men’s influence over cookstove adoption decisions in Northern Kenya. Energy Research & Social Science, 74, p.101913. IF=8.5

Duffy, C., Pede, V., Toth, G., Kilcline, K., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M. and Spillane, C., 2021. Drivers of household and agricultural adaptation to climate change in Vietnam. Climate and Development, 13(3), pp.242-255. IF=4.6

Duffy, C., Toth, G., Cullinan, J., Murray, U. and Spillane, C., 2021. Climate smart agriculture extension: gender disparities in agroforestry knowledge acquisition. Climate and Development, 13(1), pp.21-33. IF=4.6

Lopez, F.B., Fort, A., Tadini, L., Probst, A.V., McHale, M., Friel, J., Ryder, P., Pontvianne, F., Pesaresi, P., Sulpice, R. and McKeown, P., 2021. Gene dosage compensation of rRNA transcript levels in Arabidopsis thaliana lines with reduced ribosomal gene copy number. The Plant Cell, 33(4), pp.1135-1150. IF=12


Bui LV, Vu TB, Do TTH, Nguyen TC, Trieu HL, Talsma T, Spillane C, Brychkova G, McKeown P. 2020. Minimum guidelines for CSV implementation. Hanoi, Vietnam: Vietnam National University of Agriculture.

Ochieng, C.A., Zhang, Y., Nyabwa, J.K., Otieno, D.I. and Spillane, C., 2020. Household perspectives on cookstove and fuel stacking: A qualitative study in urban and rural Kenya. Energy for Sustainable Development, 59, pp.151-159. IF=5.7

McLaughlin I, McKeown P, Spillane C, Laderach P. 2020. Development and Impact Monitoring of a Communication Strategy for the CGIAR Climate Security Program. CCAFS Working Paper no. 320. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Kitavi, M., Cashell, R., Ferguson, M., Lorenzen, J., Nyine, M., McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2020. Heritable epigenetic diversity for conservation and utilization of epigenetic germplasm resources of clonal East African Highland banana (EAHB) accessions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 133, pp.2605-2625. IF=5.6

McLoughlin, S., Spillane, C., Claffey, N., Smith, P.E., O’Rourke, T., Diskin, M.G. and Waters, S.M., 2020. Rumen microbiome composition is altered in sheep divergent in feed efficiency. Frontiers in microbiology, 11, p.1981. IF=6.0

Parry, G., Provart, N.J., Brady, S.M., Uzilday, B., Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee, Adams, K., Araújo, W., Aubourg, S., Baginsky, S., Bakker, E. and Bärenfaller, K., 2020. Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community. Plant direct, 4(7), p.e00248. IF = 3.4

Duffy, C., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M., Kilcline, K., Upton, V. and Spillane, C., 2020. The impact of forestry as a land use on water quality outcomes: an integrated analysis. Forest Policy and Economics, 116, p.102185.

Duffy, C., O’Donoghue, C., Ryan, M., Styles, D. and Spillane, C., 2020. Afforestation: Replacing livestock emissions with carbon sequestration. Journal of environmental management, 264, p.110523 IF=4.5

Nui, N.H., Bien, V.T., Trung, N.D., Lua, T.H., Cuong, N.T., Spillane, C., Brychkova, G., McKeown, P. and Le Vinh, B., 2020. Cassava Farmers’ Perception on Climate Change: A Case Study in Van Yen District, Yen Bai Province. Vietnam Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(3), pp.700-711.

Dwivedi, Sangam L., Charles Spillane, Francesca Lopez, Belay T. Ayele, and Rodomiro Ortiz. (2020) “First the seed: Genomic advances in seed science for improved crop productivity and food security.” Crop Science 61, no. 3: 1501-1526. IF=2.8

McKeown, P. and Spillane, C., 2020. An Overview of Current Research in Plant Epigenetic and Epigenomic Phenomena. Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics: Methods and Protocols, pp.3-13.

Marijke Hummel, Elise F. Talsma, Victor Taleon, Luis Londoño, Galina Brychkova, Sonia Gallego, Bodo Raatz and Charles Spillane (2020) Iron, Zinc and Phytic Acid Retention of Biofortified, Low Phytic Acid, and Conventional Bean Varieties When Preparing Common Household Recipes. Nutrients 12(3), 658  IF=4.2

Cleiton Lourenço de Oliveira, Galina Brychkova, Alberto Abrantes Esteves-Ferreira, Peter McKeown, Matheus de Souza Gomes, Wilson Roberto Maluf, Luiz Antonio Augusto Gomes and Charles Spillane (2020) Thermal disruption of the food matrix of biofortified lettuce varieties modifies absorption of carotenoids by Caco-2 cells. Food Chemistry 2020 308:125443. Impact Factor = 5.39


Lienhardt, T., Black, K., Saget, S., Costa, M.P., Chadwick, D., Rees, R.M., Williams, M., Spillane, C., Iannetta, P.M., Walker, G. and Styles, D., 2019. Just the tonic! Legume biorefining for alcohol has the potential to reduce Europe’s protein deficit and mitigate climate change. Environment international, 130, p.104870. IF-13.3

Duszynska D, Vilhjalmsson B,  Swamidatta S, Castillo Bravo R, Juenger TE, Donoghue MTA, Comte A, Nordborg M, Sharbel TF, Brychkova G, McKeown PC and Spillane C (2019) Transgenerational effects of inter-ploidy cross direction on reproduction and seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana F1 hybrid triploids. Plant Reproduction Mar 21. doi: 10.1007/s00497-019-00369-6.

Tuteja R, McKeown P, Ryan P, Morgan C, Donoghue M, Downing T, O’Connell M and Spillane C (2019) Paternally expressed imprinted genes under positive Darwinian selection in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology & Evolution Mar 26. pii: msz063. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msz063. IF = 10.2

Colgan J, McDougall C, Murray U, Spillane C, McKeown P and Hossain Md E. 2019. Can climate-smart aquaculture enable women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh? Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Brief: FISH-2019-11.

Gezahegn Girma, Satoshi Natsume, Hiroki Takagi, Hideo Matsumura, Aiko Uemura, Satoru Muranaka, Melaku Gedil, Charles Spillane, Hiroko Takagi, Ryohei Terauchi, and Muluneh Tamiru (2019) Identification of candidate flowering and sex genes in white Guinea yam (D. rotundata Poir.) by SuperSAGE transcriptome profiling. PLOS 14(9):e0216912. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216912. eCollection 2019 Sept 23 Impact Factor = 2.78


Costelloe C, Styles D, McKeown P, Engelund Friis A, Campbell B, Spillane C. (2018). A strategic approach to collaborative resource mobilization for climate change, agriculture and food security research. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Marijke Hummel, Brendan F. Hallahan, Galina Brychkova, Julian Ramirez-Villegas, Veronica Guwela, Bartholomew Chataika, Edna Curley, Liam Morrison, Elise Talsma, Steve Beebe, Andy Jarvis, Rowland Chirwa, and Charles Spillane (2018) Decline in nutritional quality of common bean under climate change induced drought stress in Africa. Nature Scientific Reports 8:16187. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-33952-4.

Marijke Hummel, Elise F. Talsma, Ati Van der Honing, Arthur Chibwana Gama, Daniel Van Vugt, Inge D. Brouwer, Charles Spillane (2018) Sensory and cultural acceptability tradeoffs with nutritional content of biofortified orange-fleshed sweetpotato varieties among households with children in Malawi. PLOS One 13(10):e0204754. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0204754.

CIAT; World Bank (2018) Climate-Smart Agriculture in Malawi. CSA Country Profiles for Africa Series. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); World Bank, Washington, D.C..

Born L, Murray U and Spillane C (2018) Integrating gender into index-based agricultural insurance: A focus on South Africa. Development in Practice 15:1-5.

Brendan F. Hallahan, Eva Fernandez-Tendero, Antoine Fort, Peter Ryder, Gilles Dupouy, Marc Deletre, Edna Curley, Galina Brychkova, Britta Schulz and Charles Spillane (2018) Hybridity has a greater effect than paternal genome dosage on heterosis in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris). BMC Plant Biology 18(1):120. doi: 10.1186/s12870-018-1338-x.

Azmach G, Menkir A, Spillane C and Gedil M (2018) Genetic loci controlling carotenoid biosynthesis in diverse tropical maize lines. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. Early online January 29, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.300511  IF = 3.37


Fort A, Tuteja R, Braud M, McKeown P and Spillane C (2017) Parental-genome dosage effects on the transcriptome of F1 hybrid triploid embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13740 IF=5.901

Dwivedi S.L., Scheben A.M, Edwards D., Spillane C. and Ortiz R. (2017) Assessing and exploiting functional diversity in germplasm pools to enhance abiotic stress adaptation and yield in cereals and food legumes. Frontiers in Plant Science Aug 29;8:1461. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01461. IF=4.495

Ryder P, McHale M, Fort A and Spillane C (2017) Generation of stable nulliplex autopolyploid lines of Arabidopsis thaliana using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. Plant Cell Reports Mar 13. doi: 10.1007/s00299-017-2125-0. IF=3.071

Duffy C, Murray U, Nowak A, Girvetz E, Corner-Dolloff C, Twyman J, Huyer S, Jarvis A and Spillane C. 2017. National level indicators for gender, poverty, food security, nutrition and health in Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) activities. CCAFS Working Paper no 195. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Marijke Hummel, Elisa Francina Talsma, Ati Van der Honing, Rodah Morezio Zulu, Arthur Chibwana Gama, Daniel Van Vugt, Charles Spillane (2017) Sensory Acceptability of Iron Biofortified Beans and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato in Malawi. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 71:414. IF=2.4.

Girma G, Gedil M and Spillane C (2017) Morphological, SSR and ploidy analysis of water yam (Dioscorea alata L.) accessions for utilization of aerial tubers as planting materials. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 64:291-305. Impact factor = 1.46 DOI 10.1007/s10722-015-0351-2

Martin Braud, David A. Magee, Stephen D.E. Park, Tad S. Sonstegard, Sinead M. Waters, David E. MacHugh, Charles Spillane (2017) Genome-wide microRNA binding site variation between extinct wild aurochs and modern cattle identifies candidate microRNA-regulated domestication genes. Frontiers in Genetics. 31 January 2017 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2017.00003 IF=3.789

Kumar APK, McKeown PC, Boualem A, Ryder P, Brychkova G, Bendahmane A, Sarkar A, Chatterjee M and Spillane C (2017) Tilling by Sequencing (TbyS) for targeted genome mutagenesis in crops. Molecular Breeding. 37:14. doi:10.1007/s11032-017-0620-1 Impact factor = 2.1

Martin G, Selcuklu SD, Schouest K, Nembaware V, McKeown PC, Seoighe C and Spillane C (2017) Allele-specific splicing effects on DKKL1 and ZNF419 transcripts in HeLa cells. GENE 598:107-112. Impact factor = 2.3


TTabib A, Vishwanathan S, Seleznev S, McKeown P, Downing T, Dent C, Sanchez-Bermejo E, Colling L, Spillane C and Balasubramanian S (2016) A polynucleotide repeat expansion causing temperature-sensitivity persists in wild Irish accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1311. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01311. Impact factor = 4.495

Mina-Vargas A.M., McKeown P.C., Flanagan N.S., Debouck D.G., Kilian A., Hodkinson T.R., Spillane C (2016)  Origin of year-long bean (Phaseolus dumosus Macfady, Fabaceae) from reticulated hybridisation events between multiple Phaseolus species. Annals of Botany Aug 6. pii: mcw138. Impact factor = 3.65

Pires N.D., Bemer M, Müller L.M., Baroux C; Spillane C and Ueli Grossniklaus (2016) Quantitative Genetics Identifies Cryptic Genetic Variation Involved in the Paternal Regulation of Seed Development. PLOS Genetics Jan 26;12(1):e1005806. Impact factor = 8.69

CIAT; BFS/USAID (2016) Climate-Smart Agriculture in Senegal. CSA Country Profiles for Africa Series. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); Bureau for Food Security, United States Agency for International Development (BFS/USAID), Washington, D.C. 18 p.

Goñi O, Fort A, Quille P, McKeown P, Spillane C and O’Connell S (2016) Comparative transcriptome analysis of two Ascophyllum nodosum extract biostimulants: Same seaweed but different. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64(14):2980-9. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.6b00621. IF=3.154

Ferguson M, Kitavi M, Swennen R and Spillane C (2016) A lack of arsenal for East African Highland Bananas (EAHBs): How IITA are helping EAHBs to raise their game. IITA Annual Report.

Murray U, Gebremedhin Z, Brychkova G and Spillane C (2016) Smallholder farmers and climate smart agriculture: Technology and labour-productivity constraints amongst women smallholders in Malawi. Gender, Technology and Development 20(2) 1-32. 

Kitavi M, Downing T, Lorenzen J, Karamura D, Onyango M, Nyine M. Ferguson M and Spillane C (2016) The triploid East African Highland Banana (EAHB) genepool is genetically uniform arising from a single ancestral clone that underwent population expansion by vegetative propagation. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129(3):547-61. doi: 10.1007/s00122-015-2647-1.  Impact factor = 3.98

Fort, A., Ryder, P., McKeown, P. C., Wijnen, C., Aarts, M. G., Sulpice, R., & Spillane, C. (2016). Disaggregating polyploidy, parental genome dosage and hybridity contributions to heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist. Sep 23. doi: 10.1111/nph.13650  Impact factor = 7.67


Park SD, Magee DA, McGettigan PA, Teasdale MD, Edwards CJ, Lohan AJ, Murphy A, Braud M, Donoghue MT, Liu Y, Chamberlain AT, Rue-Albrecht K, Schroeder S, Spillane C, Tai S, Bradley DG, Sonstegard TS, Loftus BJ, and MacHugh DE. (2015) Genome sequencing of the extinct Eurasian wild aurochs, Bos primigenius, illuminates the phylogeography and evolution of cattle. Genome Biology Oct 26;16:234. Impact factor = 10.8

Girma, G., Spillane, C., & Gedil, M. (2015). DNA barcoding of the main cultivated yams and selected wild species in the genus Dioscorea. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. (in press).

Singh, D. K., Spillane, C., & Siddiqi, I. (2015). PATRONUS1 is expressed in meiotic prophase I to regulate centromeric cohesion in Arabidopsis and shows synthetic lethality with OSD1. BMC Plant Biology, 15(1), 201. Impact factor = 3.81

de Sousa Cardoso, Thaís Cunha, Laysa Gomes Portilho, Cleiton Lourenço Oliveira, Peter C. McKeown, Wilson Roberto Maluf, Luiz Antonio Augusto Gomes, Terezinha Aparecida Teixeira, Laurence Rodrigues do Amaral, Charles Spillane, and Matheus Souza Gomes. (2015) “Genome‐wide identification and in silico characterization of microRNAs, their targets and processing pathway genes in Phaseolus vulgaris L.” Plant Biology (2015). Impact factor = 2.63

Caneschi, C. M., Muniyappa, M. K., Duarte, L. P., Silva, G. D., dos Santos, O. D. H., Spillane, C., & Filho, S. A. V. (2015). Effect of constituents from samaras of Austroplenckia populnea (Celastraceae) on human cancer cells. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 4(1), 6-11.

O’Doherty A, MacHugh D, Spillane C and Magee D (2015) Genomic imprinting effects on complex traits in domesticated animal species. Frontiers in Genetics Apr 24;6:156.

H. Begum Akman, Duygu Selcuklu, Mark Donoghue, Shiva Akhavantabasi, Aysegul Sapmaz, Charles Spillane, Cengiz Yakicier, and A.Elif Erson-Bensan1 (2015)  ALCAM is indirectly modulated by miR-125b in MCF-7 cells. Tumour Biology 36:3511-3520. Impact factor = 2.84

Kaur S and Spillane C (2015) Reduction in Carotenoid Levels in the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum by Artificial MicroRNAs Targeted Against the Endogenous Phytoene Synthase Gene. Marine Biotechnology (NY). 2015 17:1-7. Impact factor = 3.15


Girma G, Hyma KE, Asiedu R, Mitchell SE, Gedil M and Spillane C (2014) Next-generation sequencing based genotyping, cytometry and phenotyping for understanding diversity and evolution of guinea yams. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127:1783-94. Impact factor = 4.0

Magee DA, Spillane C, Berkowicz EW, Sikora KM, MacHugh DE. (2014) Imprinted loci in domestic livestock species as epigenomic targets for artificial selection of complex traits. Animal Genetics Jul 2. Impact factor = 2.58

Moreira C, Spillane C, Fathalli A, Vasconcelos V, Antunes A. (2014) African Origin and Europe-Mediated Global Dispersal of The Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Current Microbiology. Jun 21. Impact factor = 1.52

Kagale S, Koh C, Nixon J, Bollina V, Clarke WE, Tuteja R, Spillane C, Robinson S, Links MG, Clarke C, Higgins EE, Huebert T, Sharpe AG and Parkin IAP (2014) The emerging biofuel crop Camelina sativa retains a highly undifferentiated hexaploid genome structure. Nature Communications 23:5706. Impact factor: 10.02

Ryder P, McKeown P, Fort A and Spillane C (2014) Epigenetics and heterosis in crop plants. In: Alvarez-Venegas R, De la Pena C and Casas Mollano JA (Eds) Epigenetics in Plants of Agronomic Importance: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer (in press).

Donoghue MTA, Fort A, Clifton R, Xhang X, McKeown PC, Borevitz JO and Spillane C (2014). CmCGG-methylation independent parent-of-origin effects on genome-wide transcript levels in isogenic reciprocal F1 triploid plants. DNA Research 21(2):141-51. Impact factor: 5.2

McKeown PC, Fort A and Spillane C (2014) Analysis of genomic imprinting by quantitative allele-specific expression by pyrosequencing(®). Methods Mol Biol. 1112:85-104.

McKeown PC and Spillane C (2014) Landscaping plant epigenetics. Methods Mol Biol. 1112:1-24.

Minguzzi S, Selcuklu SD, Spillane C and Parle-McDermott A (2014) An NTD-associated polymorphism in the 3’ UTR of MTHFD1L can affect disease risk by altering miRNA binding. Human Mutation, Oct 10. Impact factor: 5.213


Azmach G, Gedil M, Menkir A and Spillane C (2013) Marker-trait association analysis of functional gene markers for provitamin A levels across diverse tropical yellow maize inbred lines. BMC Plant Biology 13:227. Impact factor: 4.35

McKeown PC, Fort A, Duszynska D, Sulpice R and Spillane C (2013) Emerging molecular mechanisms for biotechnological harnessing of heterosis in crops. Trends in Biotechnology 31:549-551. Impact factor: 9.148

Morgan CC, McCartney AM, Donoghue MTA, Loughran NB, Spillane C, Teeling EC and O’Connell MJ (2013) Molecular adaptation of telomere maintenance genes in mammals. BMC Evolutionary Biology Nov 15;13(1):251. Impact factor = 3.29

Tuteja R, Saxena RK, Davila J, Shah T, Chen W, Xiao Y-L, Fan G, Saxena KB, Alverson AJ, Spillane C, Town C and Varshney RK (2013) Cytoplasmic male sterility associated chimeric ORFs identified by mitochondrial genome sequencing of four Cajanus genotypes. DNA Research 20:485-95. Impact factor: 5.2

Stout JC, Bourke D, Callier M, Carnus T, Crowe TP, dauber J, Dolan L, Emmerson M, Green D, Jones MB, Kochmann J, Mina-Vargas A, O’Rourke E, Sharkey N, Spillane C, Stanley D, Thompson R, Tuteja R, Whelan P and Zimmermann J (2013) SIMBIOSYS: Sectoral Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Environmental Protection Agency: Wexford, Ireland. [PDF]

Kumar, A.P., Boualem, A., Bhattacharya, A., Parikh, S., Desai, N., Zambelli, A., Leon, A., Chatterjee, M., and Bendahmane, A. (2013). SMART–Sunflower Mutant population And Reverse genetic Tool for crop improvement. BMC Plant Biology 13, 38. [AP Kumar is PhD student in SpillaneLab]

de Souza Gomes M, Donoghue MTA, Muniyappa MK, Verciano Pereira V, Guerra-Sa and Spillane C (2013) Computational identification and evolutionary relationships of the microRNA gene cluster miR-71/2 in Protostomes. Journal of Molecular Evolution, June 6.  Impact Factor: 2.274

Duszynska D, McKeown P, Juenger TE, Pietraszewska A, Geelen D and Spillane C (2013) Gamete fertility and ovule number variation in selfed reciprocal F1 hybrid triploid plants are heritable and display epigenetic parent-of-origin effects. New Phytologist, Jan 31 Impact factor: 6.645 [PDF]

Mullins E, Collier M, O’Brien M, Meade C & Spillane C (2013) Predicting the impact of coexistence-guided, genetically modified cropping on Irish biodiversity: Strive Report 39. EPA:Wexford.


McKeown P, Fort A and Spillane C (2012) Genomic imprinting: Parental control of gene expression in higher plants. In: Birchler J and Chen ZJ (Eds.) Plant Polyploidy and Hybrid Genomics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (in press). [PDF]

O’Connell MJ, Doyle AM, Juenger TE, Donoghue MTA, Keshavaiah C, Tuteja R and Spillane C (2012) In Arabidopsis thaliana codon volatility scores reflect GC3 composition rather than selective pressure. BMC Research Reports. [PDF]

Estelle M, Weckwerth W, Lavagi I & National MASC Representatives (Spillane C, Ireland) (2012) The Multinational Arabidopsis thaliana Steering Committee 2012 Report.

Selcuklu SD, Donoghue MTA, Rehmet K, de Souza Gomes M, Fort A, Kovvuru P, Muniyappa MK, Kerin MJ, Enright AJ and Spillane C (2012) MicroRNA-9 inhibition of cell proliferation and identification of novel mir-9 targets by transcriptome profiling in breast cancer cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, July 2. [PDF]  Impact factor: 5.328

Greenbiotech EU (2012) EU GMO Policies, Sustainable Farming and Public Research, Greenbiotech EU Briefing Paper, June 2012. www.greenbiotech.eu

Sikora KM, Magee DA, Berkowicz EW, Lonergan P, Evans ACO, Carter F, Comte A, Waters SM, MacHugh DE and Charles Spillane C (2012) PHLDA2 is an imprinted gene in cattle.  Animal Genetics Dec 2. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02292.x. Impact factor: 2.203

Selcuklu D, Donoghue M, Kerin MJ and Spillane C (2012) Regulatory interplay between miR-21, JAG1 and 17beta-estradiol (E2) in breast cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2012 May 19. [PDF]  Impact factor: 2.523

McKeown PC, Keshaviaiah C, Fort A, Tuteja R, Chatterjee M, Varshney RK and Spillane C (2012) Harnessing genomics to improve nutritional content and bioavailability of plant-derived foods. In: P.S. Panesar and S.S. Marwaha (Eds). Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing: Opportunities and Challenges. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA.

Kohler C, Wolff P and Spillane C (2012) Epigenetic mechanisms underlying genomic imprinting in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology 2012 Jan 30. Impact factor: 28.415

Girum Azmach, Mosisa Worku, Legesse Wolde, Wende Abera, Birhanu Tadesse, Tolera Keno, Temesgen Chibsa, Charles Spillane and Abebe Menkir (2012) Development of Improved Yellow  Maize Germplasm in Ethiopia. In: Worku, M., Twumasi-Afriyie, S., Wolde, L., Tadesse, B., Demisie G., Bogale, G., Wegary, D. and Prasanna, B.M. (Eds.) 2012. Meeting the Challenges of Global Climate Change and Food Security through Innovative Maize Research. Proceedings of the Third National Maize Workshop of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Berkowicz EW, Magee DA, Berry DP, Sikora KM, Howard DJ, Mullen MP, Evans RD, Spillane C, MacHugh DE. (2012) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the imprinted bovine insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor gene (IGF2R) are associated with body size traits in Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle. Animal Genetics. 43-7. Impact factor: 2.203


Rajeev K Varshney, Wenbin Chen, Yupeng Li, Arvind K Bharti, Rachit K Saxena, Jessica A Schlueter, Mark TA Donoghue, Sarwar Azam, Guangyi Fan, Adam M Whaley, Andrew D. Farmer, Jaime Sheridan, Reetu Tuetja, R Varma Penmetsa,Wei Wu, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Trushar Shah, KB Saxena, Eric Ward, Todd Michael, W Richard McCombie, Bicheng Yang, Gengyun Zhang, Jonathan DG Jones, Charles Spillane, Douglas R Cook, Greg D May, Xun Xu, Scott Jackson (2011) Decoding the genome of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor smallholder farmers in Asia and Africa. Nature Biotechnology 30:83-9. Impact factor: 31.1

McKeown PC, Laouielle-Duprat, Prins P, Wolff P, Schmid M, Donoghue MTA, Fort A, Duszynska D, Comte A, Lao NT, Wennblom TJ, Smant G, Kohler C, Grossniklaus U and Spillane C (2011) Identification of imprinted genes subject to parent-of-origin specific expression in Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. BMC Plant Biology 11:113. Impact factor: 4.09

Simrat Kaur, Mohan C. Kalita, Ravi B. Srivastava and Charles Spillane (2011) Eco-physiological Barriers and Technological Advances for Biodiesel Production from Microalgae. In: Biodiesel, eds. Stoytcheva M., Montero G., Intech Open Access Publisher, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-307-633-1.

Wolff P, Weinhofer I, Seguin J, Roszak P, Beisel C, Donoghue MTA, Spillane C, Nordborg M, Rehmsmeier M and Köhler C (2011) High-Resolution Analysis of Parent-of-Origin Allelic Expression in the Arabidopsis Endosperm. PLOS Genetics Jun;7(6):e1002126  Impact factor: 9.5

De Souza Gomes M, Kumar Muniyappa M, Gonçalves Carvalho S, Guerra-Sá R and Spillane C (2011) Genome-wide identification of novel microRNAs and their target genes in the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. Genomics 98:96-111 (May 26). Impact factor: 3.327

Sikora KM, Magee DA, Berkowicz EW, Lonergan P, Evans ACO, Carter F, Comte A, Waters SM, MacHugh DE and Charles Spillane C (2011) Bovine PHLDA2 is a uniparentally expressed imprinted gene. Animal Genetics 43:587-90. Impact factor: 2.203

Berkowicz EW, Magee DA, Berry DP, Sikora KM, Howard DJ, Mullen MP, Evans RD, Spillane and MacHugh DE (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the imprinted bovine insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor gene (IGF2R) are associated with body size traits in Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle. Animal Genetics 43:81-7  Impact factor:2.203

Donoghue, M.T., Keshavaiah, C., Swamidatta, S.H., and Spillane, C. Evolutionary origins of Brassicaceae specific genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2011) BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 47. Impact factor: 3.7

Sikora, K.M., Magee, D.A., Berkowicz, E.W., Berry, D.P., Howard, D.J., Mullen, M.P., Evans, R.D., Machugh, D.E., and Spillane, C. (2011) DNA sequence polymorphisms within the bovine guanine nucleotide-binding protein Gs subunit alpha (Gsalpha)-encoding (GNAS) genomic imprinting domain are associated with performance traits. BMC Genetics 12, 4.  Impact factor: 2.49

Magee, D.A., Berry, D.P., Berkowicz, E.W., Sikora, K.M., Howard, D.J., Mullen, M.P., Evans, R.D., Spillane, C., and MacHugh, D.E. (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphisms within the bovine DLK1-DIO3 imprinted domain are associated with economically important production traits in cattle. Journal of Heredity 102, 94-101. Impact factor: 2.396

Berkowicz, E.W., Magee, D.A., Sikora, K.M., Berry, D.P., Howard, D.J., Mullen, M.P., Evans, R.D., Spillane, C., and MacHugh, D.E. (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphisms at the imprinted bovine insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) locus are associated with dairy performance in Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle. The Journal of Dairy Research 78, 1-8. Impact factor: 1.807


Morris SH and Spillane C (2010) EU GM Crop Regulation: A Road to Resolution or a Regulatory Roundabout? European Journal of Risk Regulation 4:359-369.

Atanassov, A., Gheysen, G., Murphy, D.J., Sanvido, O., Schiemann, J., Spillane, C., and Tuberosa, R. (2010) 1 out of 27-European politicians score poorly in agbiotech. Nature Biotechnology 28, 551-552. Impact factor: 31.1

Magee, D.A., Sikora, K.M., Berkowicz, E.W., Berry, D.P., Howard, D.J., Mullen, M.P., Evans, R.D., Spillane, C., and MacHugh, D.E. (2010) DNA sequence polymorphisms in a panel of eight candidate bovine imprinted genes and their association with performance traits in Irish Holstein-Friesian cattle. BMC Genetics 11, 93. Impact factor: 2.49

Magee, D.A., Berkowicz, E.W., Sikora, K.M., Sweeney, T., Kenny, D.A., Kelly, A.K., Evans, R.D., Wickham, B.W., Bradley, D.G., Spillane, C., and MacHugh, D.E. (2010) High concordance of bovine single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes generated using two independent genotyping strategies. Animal Biotechnology 21, 257-262. Impact factor: 0.818

O’Connell, M.J., Loughran, N.B., Walsh, T.A., Donoghue, M.T., Schmid, K.J., and Spillane, C. (2010) A phylogenetic approach to test for evidence of parental conflict or gene duplications associated with protein-encoding imprinted orthologous genes in placental mammals. Mammalian Genome 21, 486-498. Impact factor: 2.771


Schouest, K., Zitova, A., Spillane, C., and Papkovsky, D. (2009). Toxicological assessment of chemicals using Caenorhabditis elegans and optical oxygen respirometry. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28, 791-799. Impact factor: 3.026

Selcuklu, S.D., Donoghue, M.T., and Spillane, C. (2009). miR-21 as a key regulator of oncogenic processes. Biochemical Society Transactions 37, 918-925. Impact factor: 3.378

Tessadori, F., van Zanten, M., Pavlova, P., Clifton, R., Pontvianne, F., Snoek, L.B., Millenaar, F.F., Schulkes, R.K., van Driel, R., Voesenek, L.A., Spillane, C., Pikaard, C.S., Fransz, P., and Peeters, A.J. (2009). Phytochrome B and histone deacetylase 6 control light-induced chromatin compaction in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 5, e1000638. 38.  Impact factor: 9.5


Garnier, O., Laoueille-Duprat, S., and Spillane, C. (2008a). Genomic imprinting in plants. Epigenetics 3, 14-20. [PDF]

Garnier, O., Laouielle-Duprat, S., and Spillane, C. (2008b). Genomic imprinting in plants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 626, 89-100.

Morris, S.H., and Spillane, C. (2008). GM directive deficiencies in the European Union. The current framework for regulating GM crops in the EU weakens the precautionary principle as a policy tool. EMBO Reports 9, 500-504. Impact factor: Impact factor: 7.822

Selcuklu, S.D., and Spillane, C. (2008). Translational epigenetics: clinical approaches to epigenome therapeutics for cancer. Epigenetics 3, 107-112.

Nembaware, V., Lupindo, B., Schouest, K., Spillane, C., Scheffler, K., and Seoighe, C. (2008). Genome-wide survey of allele-specific splicing in humans. BMC Genomics 9, 265.  Impact factor: 4.206


Haun, W.J., Laoueille-Duprat, S., O’Connell M, J., Spillane, C., Grossniklaus, U., Phillips, A.R., Kaeppler, S.M., and Springer, N.M. (2007). Genomic imprinting, methylation and molecular evolution of maize Enhancer of zeste (Mez) homologs. Plant Journal 49, 325-337. Impact factor: 6.948

Fouhy, Y., Scanlon, K., Schouest, K., Spillane, C., Crossman, L., Avison, M.B., Ryan, R.P., and Dow, J.M. (2007). Diffusible signal factor-dependent cell-cell signaling and virulence in the nosocomial pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Journal of Bacteriology 189, 4964-4968. Impact factor: 3.726

Spillane, C., Schmid, K.J., Laoueille-Duprat, S., Pien, S., Escobar-Restrepo, J.M., Baroux, C., Gagliardini, V., Page, D.R., Wolfe, K.H., and Grossniklaus, U. (2007). Positive darwinian selection at the imprinted MEDEA locus in plants. Nature 448, 349-352. Impact factor: 31.434

Martin G, Schouest K, Kovvuru P and Spillane C (2007) Prediction and validation of microRNA targets in animal genomes. J Biosci. 32:1049-52

Fouhy, Y., Scanlon, K., Schouest, K., Spillane C, Crossman, L., Avison M.B., Ryan, R.P., Dow, J.M. (2007).  DSF-dependent cell-cell signaling and virulence in the nosocomial pathogen Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.  Journal of Bacteriology.  189:4964-8.


Garnier O, Laouielle S and Spillane C (2006) Genomic imprinting in plants. In: Wilkins J (ed) Genomic Imprinting, Landes Biosciences: Georgetown, Texas.



Spillane C, Curtis MD, and Grossniklaus U (2004) Apomixis technology development – virgin births in farmers’ fields? Nature Biotechnology 22:687-691.

Collinge MA, Spillane C, Köhler C, Gheyselinck J and Grossniklaus U (2004) Genetic interaction of an origin recognition complex subunit and the Polycomb group gene MEDEA during seed development. Plant Cell 16:1035-46.

O’Mahony C & Spillane C (2004) Open-access publishers: Knowledge brokers in the electronic age. Irish Medical Times.

Spillane C and Doyle A (2004) Poverty alleviation, plant biotechnology and the CGIAR International Agricultural Research Centres. In: Christou P and Klee H (eds) Handbook of Plant Biotechnology, Wiley Europe. ISBN: 0-471-85199-X


Köhler C, Hennig L, Spillane C, Pien S, Gruissem W and Grossniklaus U (2003) The Polycomb group protein MEDEA regulates seed development by controlling expression of the MADS-box gene PHERES1. Genes and Development 17:1540-53.


Grossniklaus, U. Moore, J.M., Brukhin, V., Gheyselinck, J., Baskar, R., Vielle-Calzada, J-P., Baroux, C., Page, D.R., and Spillane, C. (2002). Engineering of apomixis in crop plants: what can we learn from sexual model systems. In : Vasil IK (Ed) Plant Biotechnology 2002 & Beyond, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, pp. 309-314.

Baroux C, Spillane C and Grossniklaus U (2002) Evolutionary origins of the endosperm in flowering plants. Genome Biology 3:1026.1-1026.5.

Baroux C, Spillane C and Grossniklaus U (2002) Genomic imprinting during seed development. Advances in Genetics ;46:165-214

Spillane C, Steimer A and Grossniklaus U (2001) Apomixis in agriculture: the quest for clonal seeds. Sexual Plant Reproduction 14:179-187.

Spillane C (2002), Agricultural Biotechnology and Developing Countries: Proprietary Knowledge and Diffusion of Benefits, in T. Swanson (ed.), Biotechnology, Agriculture and the Developing World, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Spillane C, Vielle-Calzada JP and Grossniklaus U (2001) APO2001: A sexy apomixer in Como, Meeting Report, Plant Cell  13:1480-91.

Spillane C and Pinto Y (2001) Biosafety in agricultural biotechnology: Balancing social and environmental impacts. In: Swanson T (ed). The Economics of Managing Biotechnologies, Springer:Netherlands, pp3-49.

Grossniklaus U, Spillane C, Page DR and Koehler C (2001) Genomic imprinting and seed development: endosperm formation with and without sex. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4, 21-27


Spillane C, MacDougall C, Stock C, Koehler C, Vielle-Calzada JP, Nunes SM, Grossniklaus U and Goodrich J (2000) Interaction of the Arabidopsis polycomb group proteins FIE and MEA mediates their common phenotypes. Current Biology 10, 1535-1538.

Spillane C, Vielle-Calzada J-P and Grossniklaus U (2000) Parent-of-origin effects and seed development: Genetics and epigenetics. In: Hui TH, Khachatourians GG, McHughen A, Nip WK, Scorza R (Eds) Transgenic Plants and Crops, New York:Marcel-Dekker Inc.

Spillane C and Gepts P (2000) Evolutionary and genetic perspectives on the dynamics of crop genepools. In: Cooper DC, Spillane C and Hodgkin T (Eds.) (2000) Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production, CABI:Wallingford.

Persley GJ, Spillane C, Eggen A, Lehn-Jenszen H, Chiono C, Wagner H and Hammond K (2000) Modern biotechnology and the management of animal genetic resources: policy issues. FAO Animal Biotechnology Working Group, FAO: Rome.

Spillane C and Thro AM (2000) Farmer participatory research and pro-poor agricultural biotechnology. Centre for Development Research: Copenhagen, Den Ny Verden Vol 1 (In Danish), 45pp.

Spillane C (2000) Can agricultural biotechnology contribute to poverty alleviation? CABI AgBiotechNet, Vol 2 March ABN 042 .


Vielle-Calzada JP, Thomas J, Spillane C, Coluccio A, Hoeppner MA, and Grossniklaus U (1999) Maintenance of genomic imprinting at the Arabidopsis medea locus requires zygotic DDM1 activity. Genes and Development 13:2971-2982.

Brown AHD and Spillane C (1999) Implementing core collections – principles, procedures, progress, problems and promise. In: Johnson RC and Hodgkin T (Eds) Core Collections for Today and Tomorrow, Crop Science Society of America: Madison, Wisconsin, p1-10.

Spillane C (1999) Recent developments in biotechnology as they relate to plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. FAO Commission on Genetic Resources:Rome, Background Study Paper No. 9., pp64.


Cooper HD, Spillane C, Anishetty M, Griffee P (1998) Promoting the identification,  conservation and use of wild food plant for food and agriculture: the FAO Global Plan of Action,  Cahiers Options Mediterraneenes, vol 38. ISSN 1022-1379.

Spillane C, Baulcombe DC and Kavanagh TA (1998) Genetic engineering of the potato cultivar Glenroe for increased resistance to potato virus X. Irish Journal of Food and Agriculture 37: 173-182

Brown AHB and Spillane C (1998) Implementing core collections – principles, procedure, progress, problems and promise, In: CSSA/IPGRI (1998) Core collections ’98, Proceedings of Crop Science Society of America Core Collections Workshop, October 1998.


Spillane C, Verchot J, Kavanagh TA and Baulcombe DC (1997) Concurrent suppression of virus replication and rescue of movement-defective virus in transgenic plants expressing the coat protein of potato virus X. Virology 236:76-84.

Gilbert J, Spillane C, Kavanagh TA and Baulcombe DC (1997) Elicitation of Rx-mediated resistance to PVX in potato does not require new RNA synthesis and may involve a latent hypersensitive response. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 11: 833-835.

Cooper HD, Spillane C and Anishetty NM (1997) The Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Paper presented at BRG/Solagral/IER International Forum on “Sustainable management of plant genetic resources in the African Savannah, Bamako, Mali, 26-28 February, 1997.

Esquinas JT, Spillane C and Stannard C (1997) Biodiversity and biotechnology for food and agriculture. International action for the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, Chapter in book on UN Earth Charter.


Cooper HD, Spillane C, Kermali I and Anishetty M (1996) Harnessing plant genetic resources for sustainable agriculture. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 114.


Spillane C (1995) Strategies for the Genetic Engineering of Resistance to Potato Virus X. Ph.D. thesis, Trinity College: Dublin, pp211.

Kavanagh TA and Spillane C (1995) Strategies for engineering virus resistance in transgenic plants, Euphytica 85:149-158.

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Other Publications

Books and Monographs

Meadu, V., Spillane, C., Challinor, A.J. and McKeown, P.C., 2023. Fixing Our Broken Food System: The Why and How.

McKeown PC and Spillane C (Eds). 2020. Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics. Springer: New Jersey, USA. pp.270 ISBN 978-1-07-160179-2

Hunter, D., Guarino, L., Spillane, C. and McKeown, P.C., 2017. Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity, Routledge: Abingdon, United Kingdom. 696pp. Print ISBN: 9780415746922 eBook ISBN: 9781315797359. Adobe ISBN: 10.4324/9781317753285-21

McKeown, P.C. and Spillane, C., 2014. Landscaping plant epigenetics. Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics: Methods and Protocols, pp.1-24.

McKeown PC and Spillane C (Eds). 2014. Treasuring Exceptions: Plant Epigenetics and Epigenomics. Springer: New Jersey, USA. ISBN 978-1-62703-772-3

Chadwick, K.H., Leenhouts, H.P., Dawkins, R., Griffiths, A.J.F., Spillane, C., McKeown, P.C., Wezenbeek, P.V., Griffiths, P. and Stotz, K., 2013. The molecular theory of radiation biology. (Doctoral dissertation, Berlin [etc.]: Springer).

McKeown, P.C., Fort, A. and Spillane, C., 2013. Genomic imprinting: parental control of gene expression in higher plants. Polyploid and Hybrid Genomics, pp.257-270.

McKeown, P., Keshavaiah, C., Port, A., Tuteja, R., Chatterjee, M., Varsney, R. and Spillane, C., 2012. Harnessing genomics to improve nutritional content and bioavailability of plantderived foods. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing: Opportunities and Challenges. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), USA.

Azmach, G., Worku, M., Wolde, L., Abera, W., Tadesse, B., Keno, T., Chibsa, T., Spillane, C. and Menkir, A., 2011. Development of improved yellow maize germplasm in Ethiopia. In Meeting the Challenges of Global Climate Change and Food Security Through Innovative Maize Research. Proceedings of the National Maize Workshop of Ethiopia, BM Worku, M (pp. 58-65).

Garnier, O., Laouiellé-Duprat, S. and Spillane, C., 2009. Genomic imprinting in Plants. Genomic Imprinting, 626, p.89.BOOK – Garnier, O., Laouiellé-Duprat, S. and Spillane, C., 2009. Genomic imprinting in Plants. Genomic Imprinting, 626, p.89.

Spillane C. & O’Mahony C., 2006. “Plants for the Future in Ireland?”, Discussion document on EPSO/EUROPABIO national consultation on future of plant biotechnology in Ireland. [PDF]

Spillane, C. and Doyle, A., 2004. Poverty Alleviation, Plant Biotechnology and the Importance of the CGIAR International Agricultural Research Centres. Handbook of Plant Biotechnology.

Thro, A.M. and Spillane, C., 2003. Biotechnology-assisted participatory plant breeding: Complement or contradiction? (Vol. 3). CIAT.

Cooper, H.D., Spillane, C. and Hodgkin, T., 2001. Broadening the genetic base of crop production (pp. xxii+-452).

Cooper DC, Spillane C, and Hodgkin T (Eds.) 2000. Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production, IPGRI, FAO: Rome, CABI: Wallingford. 480pp. [PDF]

Van Hintum ThJL., Brown AHD, Spillane C and Hodgkin T. 2000. Core collections of Plant Genetic Resources. IPGRI Technical Bulletin No. 3, IPGRI:Rome, 48pp. [PDF]

Gallais, A., Barrière, A., Boyat, A., Charcosset, A., Dallard, J., Derieux, M., Desselle, J.L., Dubreuil, P., Duval, H., Garnier, P. and Gouesnard, B., 2000. A French cooperative programme for management and utilization of maize genetic resources.

Thro AM and Spillane C. 1999. Biotechnology assisted participatory plant breeding: Complement or contradiction? CGIAR Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis, Working Document No.4, CIAT: Cali. 150pp. [PDF]

Spillane C., Engels J., Fassil F., Withers L., Gass T., and Cooper D. 1999. Strengthening National Programmes for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. IPGRI:Rome, Issues in Genetic Resources No. 8. 65pp. [PDF]

FAO. 1197. The State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO: Rome, 336pp. [PDF]

Non-authored Government Commissioned Publications

NPBR. 2007. Biodiversity Knowledge Programme for Ireland, Irish National Platform for Biodiversity Research, EPA/NPWS.

FAO. 2000. Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biodiversity for Sustainable Agriculture. FAO Position paper for UN Commission on Sustainable Development review of Ch14 of Agenda 21, May 2000, UN, New York.

FAO. 1996. Draft Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Document ITCPGR/96/5-Rev1 presented to, (and unanimously adopted by 150 governments), the 4th International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources, Leipzig, Germany, June 17-23, 1996, p62.

FAO. 1995. Recent International Developments of Relevance to the Draft Code of Conduct for Plant Biotechnology, Document CPGR-6/95/15 of the Sixth Session of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, June 19-39, 1995, p13.

Dept of Agriculture. 1995. Country Report on the Status of Plant Genetic Resources in the Republic of Ireland, National Report submitted to the FAO by the Irish Department of Agriculture, Dublin, Ireland, p28 (invited contribution).

Conference Papers

Duffy, C., Toth, G., Murray, U. and Spillane, C., 2019. Agroforestry extension and gender impacts on self rated knowledge.

Araújo, W., Blanco, M.F., Bonetta, D., Brownfield, L., Caño-Delgado, A.I., Cardarelli, M., Chae, E., Eriksson, M.E., Friesner, J.D., Hamann, T. and Harter, K., 2018. From Bench to Bountiful Harvests. Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC) Annual Report 2018-2019, 1-103.

Delêtre, M., Lett, J.M. and Spillane, C., 2016. Going viral: using social network theory to explore the social dynamics of the Cassava mosaic virus pandemics. INRA.

Azmach, G., Gedil, M., Menkir, A. and Spillane, C. 2014. Molecular Tools for Marker-assisted Breeding of High Pro-vitamin A Maize. Plant and Animal Genome XXII Conference.

Thro, A.M., Spillane, C., Ginés, C.M.J. and Sperling, L., 2002. Issues in biotechnology-assisted participatory plant breeding.

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